Extreme Networks Integrates VPN Capabilities
May 14, 2003 -- (FIND VPN) -- Next generation network builder Extreme Networks Inc. (ExtremeNetworks.com) announced this week that it has integrated virtual private LAN service (VPLS) and hierarchical virtual private LAN services (HVPLS) with its MPLS switching solution, establishing Layer 2 VPN service capabilities.
Extreme Networks says its Ethernet-based Metro network infrastructure allows service providers and enterprises to carry services over a scalable network, extending consistent performance between LANs and MANs. The company's MPLS and H-VPLS capabilities, integrated with its BlackDiamond and Alpine modular switching platforms, allow operators to tunnel traditional Layer 2 circuits through redundant paths, providing a simple alternative to routed VPN services. Extreme says its H-VPLS supports a range of non-IP traffic types, including frame relay, ATM, IPX and AppleTalk.
At an industry demonstration at NetWorld+Interop's iLabs in Las Vegas, Extreme Networks recently showcased resilient Layer 2 VPN capabilities through H-VPLS, supported with EAPSv2 technology.
"The delivery of improved network resiliency and Layer 2 VPN capabilities successfully demonstrated at NetWorld+Interop expands upon our offerings for Metro and enterprise campus networks," said Duncan Potter, vice president of marketing for Extreme Networks. "This continued innovation signifies the increasing value and functionality Extreme Networks is delivering for advanced Ethernet networks for the Metro and large enterprise markets."
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